A Tale of two Frisbees
  A Canuck's misadventures in returning home | Nature Journaling | Jetlag | Islamabad | Karakoram Highway | Gilgit 1 | Hunza | Naltar | Polo | Schools | Gilgit 2 | A Tale of two Frisbees | Fairy Meadows | India | Egypt | Istanbul | Portugal | Surviving Ontario | The Peg | The Skatch | Pemberton BC | Olympic Fever | Tofino | Northward Bound | The Haida Gwaii  

I was also thinking of calling this Me and the Mountain

            It was the best of days; it was the worst of days.  But in the end it was a successful, albeit long day.

            John Desbiens donated ten Frisbees from the Peterborough Ultimate Frisbee League with the condition that I take a picture of whomever I give them to.  His comment was that, “it would be cool to know that their Frisbees are being used on the other side of the world.”  Giving me a highly identifiable flying object and a ‘cool’ mission is a dangerous thing.  Six frisbees ended up going to the Special needs school, one to the family I am staying with, and one other to a sheppard family I encountered along my travels.  But this story is about the last two Frisbees.

            Each day as I wake up here and am surrounded by mountainous peaked in all directions.  I can’t leave here without climbing one.  Sitting at a view point for Rakapushi I was stirring my tea thinking, how dare that mountain think it is taller than me.  So the challenge to climb was set, I then just needed to find the right mountain.  And find the right mountain I did, the snow capped peak looming above the town to the south was a marker for me each day I as I walked around town. I hiked up the valley stream one afternoon in my second week to assess the lay of the land.  It was then that I made my decision.    I would climb this mountain to its peak and then throw a Frisbee over the pass down to the other side; there fate would deliver it to whomever she chooses.

            Now enters Yusewf, the strong, into our story.  Yusewf is the house boy for Maryam’s parent’s family.  He comes from the K2 part of the country and his family is so poor they can not get the 150 Rupees ($2.50) a month to school him, surviving is tenuous at best. So Yusewf lives with Maryam’s family and does chores in Gilgit to earn a better living.  He does not go to school, but I was told later that he would be 15 years old.  He speaks no English and I speak no Urdu.  Knowing that there was no chance the family would let me climb alone, and knowing that there was no chance any of them could complete this mission, I asked for Yusewf’s help for the day.  I am glad I did not offer him a receipt for his efforts because I could be up for international child labour prosecution, it is best to leave no evidence!

            My first solo hike merely gave me the idea to hike.  Yusewf joined me for our second attempt; we left at 10 in the morning, but had to admit failure to summit after six hours.  After reevaluating our time of departure, supplies and the route I was ready to try one last time.  I think Yousuf enjoyed the first day enough to be conned into one last try.  I had cancelled another climbing proposal to stay in town one extra day for this self imposed mission; I am as stubborn as the mules we passed along the way.

            Well the third time is a charm; as it was my last chance as well.  We left at 6:45 in the morning.  With the assistance of a hiking pole each and the shadow of the mountain favouring our path we trekked three hours non stop until we saw sunlight ahead and decided to stop for breakfast, almost to our highest ascent the previous try.  Along the say we overtook the sheppard and his flock I met the previous two times as we ascended.  It would be after breakfast that the sun would hit us and the going would get tough.  Yusewf was proving to be a good guide, as I let him lead for most of the way.  I think he was even learning some English.  The next section took another three slow hours as we trudged our way towards the mountain pass.  As we climbed we started to notice the change in the environment.  We passed snowmelts, further up the ground was covered in small broad leaf plants and eventually we rose above the tree line.  It was here, near the summit, I decided to break for lunch.  It was after 1:00.  Yusewf, in his eagerness wanted to climb after a short break and before eating, a rookie mistake. We left much of our supplies and continued up, he had his walking stick, I had mine, and in my pack was my camera and the two frisbees on a date with destiny.  From here the going was tough, too tough to recommend to anyone sane.  I had to lead most of the way from here, because there was no more path, It was a matter of finding rocks or shrubs to ease our progress through a soft snow glacier.  I also think Yusewf wanted to quit.  We pulled our way up tree branches.  We scrambled our way over one boulder to the next. Being heavier, I crashed through the snow as we traversed from one rocky outcrop to the next.

Having left our water in our temporary camp we had to suck on the icicles we found for refreshment.  I was tired and frustrated with the effort to break a path through the snow that often had me pinned and trapped after falling through.  But just before three o’clock the end was in site.  I actually dropped onto my belly and crawled over the last glacial gap from our position to the next set of rocks, I didn’t think I had the energy to free myself from the clutches of the snow if I fell through again.  It was not the most glorious of finishes, but we had made it.

            We found a good vantage spot to send aloft our frisbees and take the prized pictures I had promised so long ago.  After a brief lesson on how to throw a frisbee, and two pitiful attempts Yusewf sent his aloft.  Then I hurled mine into the air and into the valley below.

            I think it was a great day for Yusewf, he was proud to reach the summit and proved to himself that he could get a job as a porter and eventually even as a guide to earn a living for a while.  I have taken numerous courses in guiding and been on many climbs, for only Yusewf’s second day on the mountain, he is very adept.  We celebrated that night by taking the whole family for dinner at the Seerena Hotel; it was his first time being there.  I don’t think he has ever been treated with such respect and dignity before.  I also gave him to some money so he can travel home to see his family and take with him some gifts for his siblings.  I could not have made it to the top without his help.

            I had arrived in Pakistan exactly a month earlier to the day to take on the challenge of helping out at the two schools I have contacted in the area. I often worked until well past dark to finish the jobs I wanted to complete for the school.  It was a massive amount of work.  As any climber would tell you, once you reach the top of the mountain there is only one thing left to do; go home.  I am now in the process of taking the long way home, and shall enjoy this half of the journey as much as I did the first.

            As for our two Frisbees, they now lie in wait at the bottom of a glacial valley just over the mountain pass up a valley stream south of the town of Jutial in Northern Pakistan.  There story is to be continued.  If anyone is interested in fetching them, I know a good guide and a great family that will host your stay for a while.

Breakfast... 10:00

I made a little place for us to sit and enjoy our breakfast and spend some chilling time.

Light up your life... 1:30

What do I need to say about this, it is the money shot!

Finally... 3:00

After crawling and dragging myself and Yousuf to the top we found a little spot to take a commemorative picture before going home.  But first there was another job to do.

Getting ready to fly... 3:01

These little babies were headed for the other side.  I had to give Yousuf a quick lesson in throwing, but then we were ready to go.

Ready, Aim... 3:02

I really had only one shot at this, since there was no way I could go down to get it for a second chance.

Touchdown... 3:03

There it is for anyone to come get.

A well deserved dinner... 9:00

There was no way I wasn't having a shower after our hike, Yousuf choose to keep his Peterborough Indoor Soccer shirt on for the occassion.